Multiplatform numerical library

Leveraging speed of WebAssembly or Rust to achieve better performance for multidimensional array manipulation and calculations.

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Multidimensional array support

The core of numas is array that store element and can be n-dimensional and any size.

View into array

It's possible to create view into any array. That view is implemented also as numas array, so it's possible to perform the same operations on it.


Numas arrays support arithmetic and relational operators. For example add, multiply, divide etc.


Last but not least there are some factories functions provided for simpler initializing new array, such as full, random, zeros, linspace, logspace and others.


Numas library is library written in Rust. The main Rust package is designed to be used in another Rust applications, for another platforms there is numas.wasm, that is WebAssembly wrapper for Rust, but is limited to only few datatypes (due to WebAssembly limitation). Implementation for concrete platfrom is numas.js that implements JavaScript interface for numas.wasm and enables fast processing in JavaScript applications.